
  • Strongest ligament in the body is Body-Bigelow ligament(ilio-femoral ligament)
  • Bigelow ligament prevents trunk from falling backwords (prevents hyper extension of hipjoint during standing)
  • Hyper extension of hipjoint is prevented by bigelow ligament (ilio femoral ligament).
  • Largest bursa of the body - Subacramial ligament.
  • Most common muscle to be congenitally absent - pectoralis major.(poland syndrome)
  • only muscle of upperlimb to be innervated by all 5 segments of brachial plexus - Pectoralis major
  • Sesamoid bone developed within the tendon of muscle - pisiform.
  • Morning glowry syndrome - Absense of Lamina cribrosa in sclera.
  • Smallest bone in the body - Stapes
  • Smallest muscle in the body - Stapedius.
  • Sinus of morgagni - Between base of skull and superior constrictor of pharynx.
  • Hydatid of morgagni - appendix of testis
  • Hernia of morgagni - Retrosternal hernia of diaphragm
  • All of the pharyngeal muscles are supplied by pharyngeal muscles except stylopharyngeus which is suppllied by glossypharyngeal nerve.
  • All of the muscles of softpalate are supplied by pharyngealplexus except tensorvellipalati which is supplied by mandibular nerve.
  • All the muscles (intrinsic) muscles of the larynx are supplied by recurrent larygeal nerve except cricothyroid which is supplied by external laryngeal nerve.
  • Pharyngeal plexus are formed by
    -Pharyngeal branch of vagus through cranial accessory nerve
    -Pharyngeal branch of glosso pharyngeal nerve
    -Pharyngeal branches of superior cervical symphathetic ganglion.
  • Epignathus - Teratoma of palate.
  • Perforation of hard palate is  seen in tertiary syphilis.
  • 1st salivary gland to be appeared in developed in development - Parotid.(early 6 weeks)
  • Most common cause of mental retardation - Downs syndrome
  • 2nd most common cause of mental retardation - fragile - X - snydrome.
  • In translocation of 21:21 the chances of downs syndrome is - 100%.
  • Mature nerve cells are incapeble of dividing therefore cannot form tumors .
  • Braintumors arise from Neurological cells and immature nerve cells
  • Astrocytes - Nutririon
  • Oligo dendrocytes - Counterparts of schawhm cell(Schawn cell myelinate peciple-nerves)
  • Microglia - Macrophases
  • Ependymal cells - lining of cavities of  ventricles
  • Most common cause of dementia - Alzheimers disease.
  • Cortical dementia - Alziemers disease , Picks disease.
  • Sub cortical dementia - Huntingtons disease , parkinson's disease, progressive supernuclear palsy , wilsons disease
  • Most treatable dementias type - Toxic dementias.
  • Step ladder type of dementia - Multi infact dimentia.
  • Antipsychotic medications should be avoided in Lewy body dementia(parkinsonism).
  • The drug most commonly used in t/t of SIADH is demeclocycline.
  •  First line of t/t for SIADH is water restriction.
  • First investigation for evaluation f polyuria is Urine osmolity.
  •  Most common cause of cushings syndrome is Iatrogenic steroids.
  • MEN - 1 syndrome(werners syndrome ) consists of - parathyroid adenoma , paracreatic tumors , pitutary tumors.
  • Most common neuroeudocrine tumor associated e MEN1  syndrome.
  • Intoxication occurs  with vitamin Vitamin D and A
  • Diureties associated with hypercalcemia - Thiaxide diureties.
  • Most common cause of hyper calcemic crisis - Malignary
  • asymptomatic hypercalcemia 
    •  1st 10 years of life -Fdmilial hypercalcemia
    • adults - Primary hyper PTH
  • Most common cramial nerve involved in diabetic neuropathy - 3rd occulomotor.
  • Blindness in Non prolifirative Diab.Retinopathy-Mucular edema
  • Blindness in prolifirative Diab.Retinopathy - retinal detachment
  • Whipple's triad - insulinoma
    • -fasting hypoglycemia
    • -symptoms of hypoglycemia
    • -Immediate relief afteriv glucose.
  •  Number of carpal bones seen in X-ray of infant hand is zero.
  • only nerve that arises from the dorsal side of the brain stem - trochlear nerve.
    • It has longest intracranial course. 
  • largest cranial nerve - Trigeminal nerve
  • Most common cause of neuropathic joint  - Diabetes milletus
  • Most common cause of treatable neuropathic joint in India is -- Leprosy
  • positive Pathergy test is seen in - bechets disease
  • Treatment of hemochromatosis is - Phlebotomy
  • Treatment of Wilsons disease is - Zinc
  • Treatment of Wilsons disease with neuropsychiatric manifestations - Tetrathiomolybdate
  • Treatment of Wilsons disease with hepatic decompensation is - Triente with zinc
  • Sunflower cataract is seen in Wilsons disease
  • Confirmatory test for hemochromatosis is - Genitic analysis
  • Most sensitive index of renal tubular function is - specific gravity of urine.


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